Anna Roughly

Leading Insights & Engagement Team at LSB (Lending Standards Board)

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About Me

Anna leads the Insight and Engagement team at the Lending Standards Board (LSB),a financial services regulator which ensures banks and lenders signed up to its pioneeringStandards are delivering on their commitment to fair customer outcomes. As part of the LSB’s mission to raise industry standards and ensure financial inclusion for all,Anna and her Insight team conduct research and produce groundbreaking reports for banks and lenders; these combine unique insights on access challenges faced by customers with practical considerations for breaking down barriers, work that has contributed to the LSB winning the esteemed Collaboration Network’s Gold Award for Culture and Inclusion.The LSB’s recent report‘Access for d/Deaf customers in Banking & Credit’ shone a spotlight on the specific barriers faced by those with hearing loss when accessing financial services, and has resulted in positive action from banks and lenders to become more inclusive. Anna is looking forward to using her extensive experience in risk and compliance, combined with her passion for delivering customer centric solutions, to contribute to the important work ofSigning Banks

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