Reg Cobb

Chief Executive Officer of deafPLUS

Co-Chair of SigningBanks UK

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About Me

Reg is the Co-Chair of Signing Bank UK and is the Chief Executive Officer of deafPLUS, a prominent charity specialising in providing vital advice services to deaf individuals across England. As a profoundly deaf individual from deaf parents and having attended a deaf school, Reg brings a wealth of firsthand experience and deep understanding of deaf-related issues to his role. With a rich background working within various deaf organisations, Reg is widely regarded as a trusted authority in the field. Passionate about embracing inclusivity and ensuring access for all deaf individuals, Reg is dedicated to empowering them to fully participate in mainstream society. Beyond his professional endeavours, Reg is a devoted family man who actively supports his wife, a renowned deaf celebrity, and their family. In his leisure time, Reg is an avid sports enthusiast, finding joy and fulfilment in activities such as running, cycling, and swimming. This commitment to physical activity not only enhances his personal well-being but also reflects his belief in the importance of leading a balanced and active lifestyle.

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